
About the Series

Redmonton is an award-winning dramedy web series about navigating the murky waters of your mid-20s, especially when life isn’t going according to plan. At the center are four best friends who dream of leaving their small town of Redmonton, Missouri: Caroline (the married one), Eve (the rebel), Jennie (the party girl), and Alison (the dancer).

Created and directed by Angie Walls, and produced by Chiet ProductionsRedmonton has already earned 27 prestigious awards in national and global film festivals for its outstanding ensemble cast, screenwriting, direction, and cinematography. (You can find us on IMDB here.)

Redmonton is a funny and honest series that sets out to give a new voice to young women today in the Midwest — doing away with old stereotypes to present them as smart, funny, and bold characters.

Meet the Cast                               Meet the Crew



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